Household Power Usage Calculator

Household Power Usage Calculator
Select Appliance Power (kW) Usage (hrs/day) Quantity
LED Light Bulb
Air Conditioner(Central AC)
Air Conditioner(Window Unit)
Washing Machine
Electric Clothes Dryer
Electric Water Heater
Computer (Desktop)
Laptop Computer
Phone Charger
Hair Dryer
Electric Vehicle
Coffee Maker
Vacuum Cleaner
Wi-Fi Router
Gaming Console
Security Cameras
Custom Appliance 1
Custom Appliance 2
Custom Appliance 3
Peak Demand (kW):
Total Daily Consumption (kWh):


Knowing how many power your house uses everyday is the most important for solar system plan.

Have you ever wondered how many kWh a house uses and what factors influence your energy consumption? The average household in the United States consumes 30kWh per day. However, these figures can vary significantly depending on several factors.

Home size, location, climate, number of occupants, and the types of appliances used all play a role in determining energy usage.

For instance, larger homes in extreme climates tend to use more electricity for heating and cooling. Energy-efficient appliances and good insulation can help lower consumption. By monitoring your home's kWh usage and comparing it to averages, you can identify areas for improvement and potentially save money on your energy bills.

How To Calculate Average HouseHold kWh Per Day

The amount of electricity a house uses is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Understanding your household's average power consumption is essential for managing energy usage, reducing electricity bills, and minimizing your environmental impact. By following a few simple steps, you can calculate your home's average power consumption and make informed decisions about energy efficiency.

Method 1. Calculate Based On Electric Bills

To calculate your average daily kWh usage from your electric bill, follow these steps:

STEP 1. Find your monthly energy consumption in kWh on your bill.

STEP 2. Divide that number by 30. For example, if your bill shows 900 kWh for a 30-day month, then your average daily consumption is 900 kWh ÷ 30 = 30 kWh per day.

Drawback:One drawback of calculating average daily kWh from your electric bill is that it only provides an overall average. This method doesn't account for daily fluctuations, seasonal variations, or unusual high or low usage days.

Method 2. Calculate Based On Appliance Calculator

STEP 1. Select appliance, quantity, and usage hours per day from our calculator table.It will use a standard appliance power (KW) number.For big power appliance, you can check and validate the actual number labeled on the appliance.

STEP 2. The calculator will sum up the kWh for all the appliances. This sum represents your total daily energy consumption.

Advantage:You can pickup the major power appliances quickly with this calculator. This calculator allows you to factor in future expansion by adjusting the quantity of appliances, while also tailoring usage hours to reflect peak power demands.

How to Size the Solar System

STEP 1. After calculating the household power usage, you can follow our Solar Panel Array Size Calculator to match your house power (kWh) every day. 

, you could use roof area calculator to estimate max solar panels the house roof can install.

STEP 2. After choosing solar panel array sizing, you can use our Inverter Sizing Calculator to match your solar panel array. 


Understanding your household power usage is essential for effective energy management and long-term savings. Our household power usage calculator is designed to simplify this process by breaking down your daily electricity consumption into understandable, actionable figures. By inputting your appliance data and usage hours, you gain a clear picture of your average daily kWh consumption. This insight not only helps you manage your utility bills but also identifies areas where you can improve energy efficiency.